Can chickens eat corn in the summer?

During summer, you’ll want to limit the amount of scratch grains you feed. The high amounts of corn found in scratch can increase their body heat production, and make them feel even hotter in summer. Instead, encourage your chickens to scratch and forage by giving them leafy greens, grass, weeds, or dandelions.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, is corn good for chickens?The short answer is, “Yes.” You may feed your chickens whatever you want to feed them, and most chickens will usually gobble up corn before they’ll touch prepared feed. You also shouldn’t feed your chickens strictly corn, for the same reason.Also, what should I feed my chickens in the summer? chick starter, grower, flock raiser, layer., by Dumor, Purina, Nutrena). This should make up the most of their diet. As for treats, chickens have only a few normal foods that can hurt them, including raw potatoes and yams, and avocado. During a bad hot spell, I dug out some old frozen green beans from the deep freeze. Also know, does corn make chickens hot? Corn itself does not raise a chicken’s body temperature. There is an increased energy need during the winter and adding cracked corn (or scratch grains) to the diet in winter provides the extra energy the chicken’s body needs to keep warm. It is used in place of adding additional heat to the poultry house.Why is corn bad for chickens? Myth: Providing corn for chickens makes them overheat. They love it! Yes, corn is considered a “hot” food. But this “heat” is a caloric measure, not temperature. Eating high-calorie foods keeps chickens warm in the winter because it fuels their metabolisms, the same way that comfort food gives us energy to shovel snow.
