Who is Rudy Giuliani third wife? Bio, age, children, education, net worth

Rudy Giuliani is an American politician and an astute lawyer. As US Attorney he oversaw the famous federal prosecution of New York City mafia bosses in the 1980s. For his leadership following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he was dubbed “America’s mayor.” In fact, he was New York’s 107th mayor from 1994-2001.

He ran for a US Senate seat from New York against Hillary Clinton in 2000 but dropped out due to cancer. Giuliani was named Time magazine’s 2001 Person of the Year for his accomplishments. Queen Elizabeth II also bestowed an honorary knighthood on him in 2002.

Rudy joined President Donald Trump’s personal legal team in 2018, a controversial decision that many have questioned.

Who is Rudy Giuliani third wife Judith Giuliani?

Giuliani has been in several marriages in his life. The union with his first wife, Regina Peruggi, ended in 1982 after he had met his soon-to-be second wife Donna Hanover. They got married in 1984 which bitterly ended in 2001.

Giuliani met his third wife, Judith Nathan when he was still married to his second. Nathan was then working as a sales manager for a pharmaceutical company in New York.

They dated through the turmoil of his divorce proceedings with Giuliani’s second wife until they finally got married on May 24, 2003.
