Survey Ranks The Hottets and Ugliest American States

us state poll maps question 06

Every couple of years a new study emerges that proceeds to rank the states of the union according to various factors.

The latest comes courtesy of Business Insider (conducted via Survey Monkey), and asked Americans to rank states according to things like which has the hottest and ugliest residents, who has the best and worst food, which has the craziest people, which accents are the weirdest, which state we’d like to see kicked out of America, and lots more. The findings are amusing, if a bit stereotypical.

In terms of attractiveness, it seems we favor the land of perpetual tans, blondes, and famous people, aka California, which scored 51% of votes, with Florida, New York, Texas and Arizona trailing. (The darker the state’s shade, on the map the more respondents it has.)



As for ugly folks? We Americans seem to think a good deal of the country is pretty busted, with every region ranking in some capacity, although Alabama took the cake with 9% of votes, followed by southern states like West Virginia, Kentucky, and Mississippi.

Head over to Business Insider now to read the rest of the findings—again, they’re pretty entertaining, if a bit predictable. New Yorkers are not that rude, people!
