Attention! If you want to get the scoop on all of ELW's Wrestlers and other company information like show schedule and title information, please visit ELW's website
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Note* I am not looking to do a super detailed show. I am just looking to do something fun. It would be really hard for someone to convince me that it would be worth the time to write out long matches and promos that most people wont read, besides the dedicated few. I am hoping to just create something interesting and relatively short that people can follow.

Season 1 Episode 1: ELW Live!
ELW's Entrance Music:
The show kicks off with several unidentified llamas firing roman candles from their mouth. We quickly discover that the arena is an old barn that is layered in hay. The wrestling ring is located in the center of the medium-sized barn with guard railing protecting the outside area and sectioning off a designated entrance walkway. Pipe and drape are set up at the "entrance area."
We are introduced to the commentators for the show. There names are Adam and Ants. We learn that they were literally given the job when they arrived at The Stable, the name for the "arena." Adam seems to be the goofy one, while Ants is a little more serious. They both welcome us to ELW's first televised show. They say that they are excited to be airing live at 3:48am and that they have a record attendance of 28 people. Ants says that people were scrambling for tickets whenever they heard that ELW was going live on television. Adam says that we are about to be joined by ELW's owner, Lex Llama. Adam says that earlier Lex Llama sent out a cryptic tweet to tease at today's announcement. Ants says that it wasn't cryptic, but just a bunch of random letters because Lex can't type with his hoofs.
Adam says that we are lucky because we are about to be treated to Lex. Lex comes out and it appears that a ring worker is holding a microphone up for him. Lex says that he is really excited for this moment. He says that it is historic and that today will be monumental. He says that since it is so historic, that today both of ELW's titles will be on the line. The crowd pops for this, but he quickly changes his mind. The crowd boos in response. He says instead that we will see the first round of an eight llama tournament to decide ELW's first ELW Champion. The crowd perks up again as Lex smiles at his own announcement. Lex says to make things even better, this morning we will see a long-awaited match. In the first round of the tournament, for our main event, Iron Llama will take on Bat Llama. The crowd pops as we cut to commercial.
We come back to a backstage human interviewer named Leon Llamaworth. Leon seems kind of nerdy, but he is about to interview Llamanator. Llamanator says that today is a historic day because he will compete in ELW's first televised match. He says that he is a machine that will stop at nothing on his path to gold. He says today things are going to get nasty, ugly, and bloody. He doesn't care who it is, but they are in his way. He says that he is Llamanator, and he'll be back. Leon looks horrified as we cut from the scene.
Llamanator comes out to boos. A fan gets in his face and Llamanator spits into his face. The crowd gets all riled up as they wait for his opponent.
Llama Duck comes out to a rather warm reaction. Adam says that he is a YouTube celebrity. Ants says that he is a joke.
Quick Match Result: This match is ELW's first televised match and it is pretty much a squash. The match began with a head-to-head head-butt which sent Llama Duck to the ground. Llamanator made the cover, but only got two. Llamanator would pick up the dazed Llama duck and hit his finisher, Destruction (A quick-release powerbomb). Llamanator would then cover him and pick up the win.
Llamanator taunts the crowd in the ring before we cut to a video promo where we see a llama in monk robes as he meditates in a field of flowers. He says that inner-peace is coming to ELW. He says that it is coming sooner than we think.
Blue Llama comes out and Adam says that this match is another match in the first-round of the ELW Championship tournament. Blue Llama gets a mixed reaction as he enters into the ring. He looks paranoid as he awaits his opponent.
All 28 members of the crowd cheer wildly as Zombie Llama appears from the back. He tries to gnaw on a nearby ring worker, but the worker shoves him off. The Zombie Llama limps towards the ring as the crowd cheers him on. Ants says he doesn't understand all the hype about Zombie Llama. He says that Zombie Llama has never even won a match in ELW. So now that they are televised, how will he win now?
Quick Match Results: The match begins and ends shortly after. The two of them start off in the ring as Zombie Llama limps over to Blue Llama. Blue Llama goes for a grapple, but finds himself being bitten in the shoulder by Zombie Llama. The referee calls for the bell and Blue Llama wins by disqualification.
The crowd begins chanting "Zombie Llama" as Blue Llama looks pissed as he exits the ring. He says that they need to put that freak in a cage.
We return backstage and we see a rather good-looking llama looking into a mirror. He is making poses with his face and we notice that it is Edward Llama. Edward Llama notices something in the mirror and then turns around. It is Ninja Llama. Ninja Llama says that today the two of them fight in the first round for a chance at the gold. Ninja Llama says that he wants to start things off right on the televised version of ELW. He says good luck and offers Edward Llama a hoof shake. Edward Llama says he doesn't need luck whenever he has his looks. Edward Llama walks off and Adam says that Edward Llama vs. Ninja Llama is up next!