Jim Ross Comments on Rumors of Brock Lesnar Back to UFC

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated his blog this weekend to comment on the recent rumor of Brock Lesnar returning to the UFC for future fights. 

"Rumor of the week is Brock Lesnar returning to UFC. I find that one a little far fetched. Diverticulitis isn't something that is to be taken lightly, of this I know what I speak, and returning to the Octagon under those circumstances makes zero sense to me. Brock has a sweet gig in WWE working a handful of dates a year for which I assume is a healthy, 7 figure income. It's a part time gig of which Brock is very good at and earning that kind of money is a bird's nest on the ground. Unless an athlete was broke as hell, and Brock isn't, there is no legit motivation to return to the Octagon and give it one more shot. No one is asking but if I were Brock Lesnar I'd continue to do the WWE gig including more dates and the opportunity to earn MORE money and smile all the way to the bank. Make it while you can, save it, and call it a day on one's own terms. Plus, do it in a show biz world and not inside an Octagon where real fights occur. Just one guy's opinion."

, UFC President Dana White commented on Brock Lesnar, stating that he would not be at the weekend's UFC 168 pay-per-view. However, Dana White has been especially secretive with Brock Lesnar recently, refusing to comment and leading to even more speculation that a deal was being reached behind the scenes. 

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