Is group punishment fair?

Even when we use group punishments sparingly, some students will feel slighted. When students are losing recess or being held after school day after day, week after week, we are seriously damaging our relationships with those students. Overuse of collective punishment can also backfire.

Are group punishments good?

The Science of Mass Punishment

Variations on the lab trial were conducted, but two key conclusions remained constant: Collective punishment was counterproductive, provoking more occurrences of the undesired behavior.

What's wrong with collective punishment?

A student often misbehaves when they feel disengaged and disengagement can come from feeling excluded from peers and teachers. The negative peer pressure associated with collective punishment compounds the likelihood of further social exclusion exacerbating the transgressing student's disengagement.

Why do schools do collective punishment?

Group or collective punishment, when the entire class is punished for the actions of a few, is used by many educators when the student at fault is not easily determined or when enough students are disrupting the class that the teacher decides to end the activity for all.

Is punishing a group for one person's mistake a war crime?

International humanitarian law prohibits collective punishment of prisoners of war or other protected persons for acts committed by individuals during an armed conflict. The imposition of collective punishment is a war crime.

13 Types of Punishments We Hate in School

Is group punishment a crime?

Collective punishment is prohibited, based on the fact that criminal responsibility can be attributed only to individuals. Respect for this principle can be ensured solely by establishing guarantees that protect judicial procedures.

Why does the military use group punishment?

The History of Mass Punishment in the Military

It is often discussed as being employed so as to bring about a sense of unity within an organization. If one person is out of line, the entire organization is out of line, and therefore the entire organization should work to ensure that no one is out of line.

Is collective punishment effective in schools?

Even when we use group punishments sparingly, some students will feel slighted. When students are losing recess or being held after school day after day, week after week, we are seriously damaging our relationships with those students. Overuse of collective punishment can also backfire.

What can I do instead of collective punishment?

Instead of collective punishments, try collective rewards.

If a whole class gets loud or off-task, all I have to do is dock five points from the chalkboard in the corner of my room and they settle right down. No silent lunch, no extra assignments needed. Other teachers put marbles in a jar to work up to a class reward.

Is collective punishment allowed in school?

As of 2018, corporal punishment is still legal in private schools in every U.S. state except New Jersey and Iowa, legal in public schools in 19 states, and practiced in 15 states.

Should you punish the whole class?

Punishing an entire class for the behavior of a few

Holding everyone accountable when only a few are misbehaving creates resentment and will damage your influence. This punishment technique also enforces bullying. When the whole class is punished instead of that one student, the class will get mad.

Why teachers should not punish students?

Furthermore, physical punishment can cause troubles on student's mind, the situation which can lead into psychological problems such as fear, anxiety and long range mental problems which is connected to the loss of self-confidence and concentration in learning.

How do you punish a student who doesn't do homework?

Creative Punishments for Youth Forgetting Homework

  • Natural Consequences. Instead of yelling at your child when he's, once again, forgotten his homework, let him experience the natural consequences of not turning it in on time. ...
  • Home Homework. Why Do Toddlers Laugh When Disciplined? ...
  • Reward System. ...
  • Make Her Pay.
  • Why do teachers rely on punishment?

    Teachers sometimes find punishment to be effective as a classroom behavior management tool, especially in the short term. Because punishment tends to rapidly stop problem behaviors, the teacher in turn is positively reinforced for using it (Martens & Meller, 1990).

    Does group punishment violate the Geneva Convention?

    19. In a chapter on IHL rules during occupation, the manual refers to Article 33 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV and states: “Protected persons may not be punished for actions they have not themselves performed. Collective punishment of a whole group is also prohibited.”

    Is collective punishment illegal in schools UK?

    Article 33. No persons may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Today I picked my daughter up from school.

    Can they hit you in boot camp?

    They don't hit or physically assault recruits, ever. They come close, but they never physically hurt or even touch recruits. Another thing that is important is that everything they do is for a purpose, a rehearsed, manufactured, and engineered purpose.

    What happens if you disrespect a drill sergeant?

    Drill sergeants are loyal to their own, so expect them to join in swinging — even if they clearly have the fight won. Finally, there're the repercussions. The fool that initiates a fight is going to jail and is getting swiftly kicked out with a dishonorable discharge — no ifs, ands, or buts.

    Can you smoke a Soldier and counsel them?

    Basically, smoke sessions are not authorized as they are a form of punishment. With that stated leaders can use a reasonable number of physical exercises as corrective training if authorized by the commander (See FM 7-22 extract below).

    Why does school even exist?

    Rather than every family being individually responsible for education, people soon figured out that it would be easier and more efficient to have a small group of adults teach a larger group of children. In this way, the concept of the school was born.

    What is the best punishment for students?

    10 Creative Ways to Punish a Child

    • Time-Ins. Most parents would give their kids time-outs for bad behaviour, wherein the kids sit silently in a corner. ...
    • Exercise. ...
    • Make them do Chores. ...
    • Timer. ...
    • Practise. ...
    • Punishment Jar. ...
    • Cool-Off Time. ...
    • Tidy Up the Clutter.

    Can I refuse homework for my child?

    Schooling may be mandatory, but homework isn't. Families can opt out. Parents can approach the teacher either about homework load or the simple fact of doing homework at all, especially in elementary school. Many teachers will be more than happy with the change.

    Is punishment good for students?

    Punishment works by instilling fear and aims to force students to conform and obey, but it does not necessarily help educate them. Punishment and negative feedback demotivate people. Surely, the role of schools is to help students find their own motivation to learn and behave in a socially acceptable manner.

    Why punishment is not good for students?

    Punishments lower the child's self-esteem

    Children who are often punished get to feel bad about themselves. This causes a vicious cycle that only brings more problems. Kids who think that they are bad persons are more likely to repeat the negative behavior.

    Does punishment improve learning performance?

    Moreover, the result shows that teachers use corporal punishment to improve the academic performance of lazy students and students with disruptive behaviours. They also punish the students to maintain discipline in the classroom to create a conducive environment for effective teaching and learning.
