Is Stevie Nicks a witch? American Horror Story role reignites rumors

Stevie Nicks - Witch - American Horror Story

Just when I thought it wasn’t possible to get any more excited about this season of American Horror Story, co-creator Ryan Murphy went and made this announcement…

Guess who's visiting the Coven? The legendary Stevie Nicks!

— Ryan Murphy (@MrRPMurphy) November 12, 2013

That’s right! Misty Day’s favorite Fleetwood Mac singer will appear on American Horror Story.

Misty Day and Stevie Nicks - American Horror Story

(Prediction: I’m betting Stevie will play Misty’s long-lost mother. Look at that resemblance!)

It’s unclear exactly when Stevie Nicks will fly in on her broomstick, but it will surely be epic. After all, Ryan Murphy doesn’t want to let his idol down by writing her a sub-par role.

“I am obsessed with Stevie Nicks,” Ryan told Entertainment Weekly in October.

Although Ryan is one of Stevie’s biggest fans, she was initially skeptical about him even mentioning her name in the show.

“I called Stevie Nicks and first I said, ‘I want to use you in the show.’ But she was very resistant because from the beginning of her career people who are in the Wiccan community had given her a hard time thinking she was a witch and she got a lot of scary fan letters.”

Clearly Stevie came around because she’s not only allowing the mention of her name, but she also gave Ryan rights to a new song she wrote with Lindsey Buckingham and is reportedly set to play a sorceress on Coven.

These developments likely won’t help Stevie move beyond the witchy rumors that have followed her for decades. Those rumors began in earnest in the 1970s, when Stevie began introducing “Rhiannon” in concert as “a song about a Welsh witch.” She also dressed in black clothes and admitted to having a high regard for mystical forces.

“I spent thousands of dollars on beautiful black clothes and had to stop wearing them for a long time because a lot of people scared me,” Stevie said in a 1983 interview. “And that’s really unfair to me, I think, for people – other people – to conjure up their ideas of what I am or what I believe in.”

In the time since then, Stevie adopted a mantra that helps her deal with the rumors: “I have a lot of things more important that I can worry about than people thinking I’m a witch.”

See if Stevie makes her debut on American Horror Story by tuning in to FX at 10/9C.

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